CurlAppletView (the same as CurlView, for applets).It has a simple calendar interface, from which the user can manipulate date. CurlDialog (the same as CurlView, for modal dialogs) The calendar control implements the functionality of a month calendar control.

CurlRadioButton (see RadioButton.test-run).CurlRichEdit (see RichTextArea.test-run).CurlMenuAction (see MenuAction.test-run).CurlButton (see CommandButton.test-run).Select Range Set the mode of operation of the calendar. Property Description Color Sets color of the text. A user can select a single date or a range of dates. CurlDropdown (see DropdownList.test-run) Calendar Control A calendar view lets a user view and interacts with a calendar that they can navigate by month or year. Microsoft MVP Business Applications Dynamics 365, Power Automate & Power Apps tips, tricks and news to help you succeed & increase user adoption Menu.CurlCheckBox (see CheckButton.test-run).CurlVisual (the default, see Visual.test-run).However, it may be simpler to merely add additional test actions and properties to your object without changing its test type. If one of the predefined test types closely matches the semantics of your object, consider using it as your object's test type. Read the documentation for the test-run and get-test-property methods on the listed example implementations to learn about that particular test type. The screen can be used to view information such as the clock or calendar, control music playback, and check notifications for new messages or missed calls. The test type must be one of the types in the following list for the visual testing to operate correctly. Methods inherited from GuiEventTarget: handle-delegate-event, handle-event, on-action, on-cancel-mode, on-command-changed, on-commit, on-composition-change-event, on-composition-result-event, on-context-menu-event, on-current-record-change-request, on-current-record-changed, on-destroy-notify, on-destroy-requested, on-drag-over, on-drag-pointer, on-drag-started, on-drop, on-end-composition-event, on-focus-event, on-focus-out, on-gesture, on-gesture-begin, on-gesture-end, on-gesture-magnify, on-gesture-pan, on-gesture-rotate, on-gesture-swipe, on-gesture-tap, on-gesture-touch, on-grab-release, on-gui-event, on-input-method-event, on-key-event, on-pointer-button, on-pointer-crossing, on-pointer-event, on-pointer-motion, on-pointer-release, on-pointer-scroll, on-raw-key-event, on-raw-key-press, on-raw-key-release, on-reset, on-selectable-added, on-selectable-removed, on-selection-changed, on-selection-context-activated, on-selection-context-deactivated, on-selection-event, on-start-composition-event, on-start-event, on-stop-event, on-view-activate, on-view-deactivate, on-window-close, remove-event-handlers-for-event-class